Washington Contract Loggers Association, Inc.
Master Logger Program


Program Overview– The Master Logger Program (MLP) is a voluntary education program that accredits individuals and the company they represent.  The MLP was designed to further educate loggers and other harvest related businesses about sustainable forestry, safety, forest practices, business management and forest management.  Through continuing education, loggers and others are committing to advancing professionalism for themselves and the industry.  The MLP program is targeted to reach business owners, foremen and supervisors.  However, anyone is welcome to attend.

The course curriculum includes thirty-two hours (4 days) of training in the following areas:

  • Forest silviculture and ecology (8 hours)
  • Logging safety and worker’s compensation loss control (8 hours)
  • Washington Forest Practices Act rules and regulations (8 hours)
  • Logging business management (8 hours)

In addition, each participant must also have a valid first aid card that includes CPR training. First aid training is not offered as part of the curriculum. The participant is not required to have a valid first aid card to register for the program.

The MLP program was developed by Washington Contract Loggers Association, Inc., in cooperation with principles in the timber industry, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Washington Farm Forestry Association and the Washington Department of Labor and Industries.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) – The Master Logger Program exceeds the logger training requirements in SFI. The program has been reviewed and accepted by the Washington State SFI Implementation Committee.

Master Logger – An individual who completes the MLP course curriculum, holds a valid first aid card and pays required course registration fees as follows:  $160 for WCLA, Inc. members; $480 for non-members.  In addition, non-WCLA, Inc. members will be required to pay a service fee of $175 per year ($100 per year for tree farmers). To maintain MLP certified status, continuing education is required.

Continuing education – To maintain MLP status, each participant is required to earn at least 8 credit hours of continuing education prior to the expiration of the initial two-year accreditation period and at least 8 credit hours every year thereafter.

Continuing education prior to completing MLP requirements will not be accepted.

A continuing education form is mailed to each MLP participant. The form lists several opportunities. Credits may be given for training, seminars or conferences that offer education and training that resembles the MLP curriculum.  Forms are also attached here:


Master Logger Program – online continuing education credits 4.2024

One credit hour is given for each hour of approved continuing education. For example, a 4-hour seminar would be worth 4 hours of continuing education.

In order for credit to be given for a class the participant needs to submit proof of attendance. They should submit a copy of a registration form, agenda, dates and hours of training.

Participants can attend future MLP session(s) for continuing education credits. 

Future class dates April 8, 9, 15 and 16, 2025

Click here for registration form:  Spring2025MLPRegForm

For more information please contact Tami Au at (800) 422-0074 Ext. 139
or email tami@loggers.com


Expiration/reinstatement of MLP status – The Master Logger Program graduate remains in good standing until he/she fails to meet continuing education requirements or is sanctioned for conduct that discredits the Master Logger Program.  Additionally, non-WCLA, Inc. members will be deactivated if the non-member service fee is not paid.

To be reinstated for lack of continuing education, the MLP graduate must complete all delinquent credits from previous years. For example, if a person’s accreditation expired on December 31, 2022 and no continuing education had been completed since then, the person would have to complete 16 hours to be current through December 31, 2024. 

Once an individual’s certification is expired by two or more years, they will be contacted, and encouraged once again to submit continuing education credits.  If no response is received, the certification will be deactivated until further notice.

Record Keeping – The WCLA, Inc. shall maintain all records and administer the Master Logger Program. All MLP graduates shall be listed on the WCLA, Inc. website unless they specifically ask not to be. This list is regularly updated.  In addition, for more complete information, including addresses, phones, continuing education status, companies and individuals may contact Tami Au at (800) 422-0074 Ext. 139 or email tami@loggers.com.

Continuing Education forms are available at the WCLA, Inc. and the record of continuing education will be maintained by WCLA, Inc. staff. It shall be the responsibility of the MLP graduate to submit those approved courses completed to our office for recording.

Company recognition – MLP accreditation is given to the company whose owner or representative(s) completes the mandatory training. In the event an MLP employee leaves employment with the accredited company, accreditation is transferable to another company provided the representative’s accreditation is current.

For a company to remain accredited, it must employ at least one MLP graduate who has maintained current accreditation. In the event a company no longer employs an MLP graduate, that company must sponsor a new representative at the next scheduled MLP training in their region.

Onsite Supervisor:  An individual who is directly supervised by an individual that is a current Master Logger Professional.  The Onsite Supervisor will be required to complete the DNR Forest Practices class of the WCLA Master Logger Program, plus submit a current first aid/cpr card, to achieve Onsite Supervisor certification status.  To maintain Onsite Supervisor status, at least four (4) hours of continuing education is required in each subsequent year.

Reciprocity with other states – A person who has completed a similar logger training program in another state will be given credit for that training and WCLA, Inc. will waive the requirements to attend the Silviculture/Ecology and Logging Business Management training sessions. Sessions on Workers Compensation/Safety and the Forest Practices Act (DNR) must be completed, and a current first aid card must be submitted for accreditation.

The person must submit proof that he/she has completed a logger training program in another state.

Special consideration for small private tree farm owners – Because these individuals only harvest on their privately owned timberland they are eligible for the Master Logger Program – Tree Farmer designation. The training requirements include attending the silviculture/ecology session and forest practices rules and regulations training. They must also have a valid first aid card.

Continuing education requirements also apply, as well as a $100 non-member service fee.

Information – WCLA, Inc. staff are available for information, assistance, consultation or whatever need may arise. If we do not have the expertise on staff, we have the ability to find that information for you.

Sanctions for unprofessional conduct – Unprofessional conduct by a MLP company such as blatant and repeated forest practice violations may lead to a sanctions review by the WCLA, Inc. Board of Directors.  The Board will decide appropriate action, up to and including termination of the company’s Master Logger status.