Membership types. (application form is below)
Active Member
All persons, companies or corporations actively involved in growing, producing and/or processing forest products. Such members shall have the right to vote, hold office, and participate in the affairs of the Washington Contract Loggers Association. Annual Dues:
- Owner/Operator $225
- 1-5 employees $375
- 6-10 employees $475
- 11-15 employees $550
- Over 15 employees $625
Associate Member
All persons, companies or corporations primarily engaged in the business of providing services or supplies to the forest industry. Such members shall have all the rights to the privileges and programs of an active member except to vote or hold office.
Annual Dues: $375 Click here to join or renew now
Supporting Member
All persons employed past or present in the logging industry, wishing to support WCLA, its mission and goals.
Annual Dues: $50 Click here to join or renew now
Springboard Subscriber
Subscription to monthly Springboard magazine for business/individual.
Business or Individual Subscription: $30
Only Active and Associate members receive full membership benefits, including reduced cost first aid, pilot car and Master Loggers classes plus the Springboard magazine.
Please fill out this form completely.
C V V is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. For Visa/Mastercard, the three-digit CVV number is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card.