Q Does the same person need to take all four Master Logger Program courses?
A Yes, one person, representing the company, must complete all four courses and submit a copy of their current first aid card in order to complete the certification process.
Q Do individuals, or companies, become certified?
A Companies achieve accredited status once an individual representing that company completes the course. A company is no longer considered certified if the Master Logger Program representative’s certification expires, or if that individual leaves the company. Certification is transferable.
Q How does the continuing education process work?
A Once you become certified, you are certified for two years (December 31st of the year you become certified until two years after that). Prior to the completion of the two year certification period, you will need to submit continuing education credits in increments of eight (eight per additional year of certification). You will be provided with materials concerning continuing education opportunities. These credits cannot be earned in advance of the certification process. The person who becomes certified must also earn the continuing education credits. A Master Logger Program participant must submit proof of completing continuing education every two years.
Q What does my “First Aid” card need to cover, and where can I take the class?
A Your first aid card must include first aid and CPR training. These courses are generally four hours. You may bring a copy of your current card to the class, or fax one to us to complete your certification process. The WCLA, Inc. offers first aid training courses throughout the year. Please check our calendar of events. You may also take these classes through your local fire department, school district or community college.
Q Do I need to take all four classes at once?
A You may complete all four sessions at any time – they do not all need to be taken during the same training, or in any particular order. The Master Logger Program courses are offered, through the WCLA, Inc., throughout the year. Please check our calendar of events for future certification opportunities.
Q Is MLP certification required?
A This is a voluntary program, designed to create an industry standard, with the goal of promoting professionalism within the timber industry. Many companies are requiring their contractors to achieve certification and the WCLA, Inc. certainly encourages participation.
Q What do the MLP courses cost?
A There is a WCLA, Inc. member rate of $160.00 for all four courses, or $480.00 for non-members. Take advantage of the savings, and join the WCLA today online, or call (800) 422-0074.